List of services we provide in NW11 Golders Green:
Detailed and professionally prepared inventory reports are an important part of any lease agreement. Our inventory company in Golders Green always includes written and photographic proof of the current state of the property and its fixtures, fittings and furniture. Our inventory reports will have your rights protected at all times during a lease, as they are an official document, signed by all parties.
You can also benefit from some of our additional property services: floor planning, gas safety checks and EPCs.
Every deal, that involves a real estate can greatly benefit from the services provided by our property inventory clerks in Golders Green. Our team members are fully certified by the ICA (Inventory Clerk Association). The clerks have an eye for details and will prepare personalized, flexible and unbiased inventory, check-in, interim or check-out report depending on your needs. With us your rights will be protected in case of deposit disputes and disagreements.
Here is what makes our company stand out:
You can rely on us not only for professional inventories but for other property related services as well:
You can choose from a wide range of booking slots for our property inventories in Golders Green - weekdays, weekends and evenings for the same price. Just call 020 3404 5118 now and receive 24/7 free quotes on your needs. Alternatively, schedule services via our online booking form or live chat feature.